Space embedded systems  

Course Contents The first part of the course will consist of lectures covering the following topics: 1. Introduction to embedded systems 2. Hardware and software elements 3. Space environment and effects on embedded systems 4. Fault tolerant techniques in space application 5. Radiation testing The second part of the course will be dedicated to a Group Assignment: students, in groups of 2-4, will build and program an embedded system for a possible space application which will feature fault tolerant techniques Study Goals The students will learn to: Explain the basic elements of embedded systems and their characteristics. Explain the different radiation environments encountered in space and their effects on electronics components. Design and implement (hardware and software) an embedded system based on microcontrollers. Apply fault tolerance techniques both on software and hardware parts. Define the system requirements and select the components Evaluate the performances of the selected components to ensure they satisfy the system requirements
Space embedded systems

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